National Land Registry to Lesvos
What is the national land registry (Cadestre)
The National Land Registry is a unified and constantly updated information system that records legal, technical and other additional information on real estate and rights over it, under the responsibility and guarantee of the state.
Its compilation aims to create a modern, fully automated real estate file, all of which are evidence- based, ensuring the greatest possible publicity and security of transactions.
This a much more modern and complete system than the old system of Mortgages and Transfers supported by the mortgage offices.
Specifically, the National Land Registry:
- Based on the property it records all the transactions that create, transfer, alter or abolish rights to real estate. We can therefore be informed immediately, easily and reliably of all the rights that each property caries. Thus, everything becomes simpler and clearer.
- It guarantees the legal information it records, as the registration of each deed is completed only after a substantial legal check, i.e no deed is registered if the transfer-er is not the person registered in the land registry as a beneficiary.
- Records the geographical description (form, location and size) of the property.
- Reveals and systematically records Public real estate, for the first time in modern Greece.
- Records usufruct rights which, especially in the provinces, is perhaps the most common way of acquiring ownership due to informal transfer.
Cadestral Real Estate Declarations
The first stage in the cadestral process is the submission of property declarations by all natural or legal persons who have the rights to the real estate. Those who manage foreign property are also required to submit a declaration. The statement concerns a right and not a property. This means that in case a property belongs to more than one person, all those who have the right to it, must declare it (e.g the one who has the small ownership and the one who has the usufruct of the property). The statement also concerns all the properties of the areas under cadestre, inside and outside the plan, whether they are urban, rural, built or not. The declaration of ownership is a condition for any transaction concerning the property in the future, e.g transfer, parental benefit, donation, issuance of a building permit.
Supporting documents submitted with the declaration
– Photocopy of the deed (contract)
– Photocopy of transcript certificate
– Topographic diagram (In some cases it is mandatory and in others optional) or locating the property
– Photocopy of ID or passport
– Copy of tax clearance or Electricity bill (document showing TAX (AFM) number)